understanding climate change and solutions

Project Drawdown

Project Drawdown is one of my go-to resources for easily grasping the issues behind climate change and the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions causing it.

Project Drawdown is a nonprofit organisation creating resources and promoting existing solutions to reach “drawdown”—the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline.

  • Project Drawdown website – to view all their resources and initiatives

  • Climate solutions 101 – a series of videos to quickly understand the main sources of emissions, and solutions (sinks) to reduce them and mitigate climate change

Other key resources to understand the issue

How to save a planet podcast exploring ways to solve the climate crisis and what we can do to implement these changes.

Climate change: The Facts
a documentary by David Attenborough

NASA Climate Change
an extensive collection of resources to understand the facts of global warming, for media, resources, educators and others.

IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
publications informing governments and international agencies, with the assessment climate scientists and their guidelines for tackling the problem.

Key organisations

Other resources to understand the issues and solutions

Useful resources libraries

Climate and behaviours:

  • Yale programme on Climate Change communication - scientific research on public climate change knowledge, attitudes, policy preferences, and behaviour, and the underlying psychological, cultural, and political factors that influence them.

  • CAST Centre - Center for Climate Change and Social Transformations - funded by the UK Economic and Social Research council, exploring the science of climate action.

  • UN Environment Open Data - platform listing the UN environment Agency projects

Resources for children and young people learning and engagement:

  • Climate Change Makers by UN World's largest lesson provides resources for young people education and engagement around climate change.

  • Climate Classroom kids provides various climate learning resources with children and young people-friendly language