climate action at work and in organisations

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) drives ambitious climate action in the private sector by enabling organizations to set science-based emissions reduction targets.

Presented by Drawdown Labs, a comprehensive how-to guide for employees looking to take action and push their organisation to make every job a climate job.

Various resources made available by the international nonprofit based in the UK and Germany, supporting organisations and employees to take climate action.

Low carbon ways of working checklist: I've summarised some of the small (and bigger) things you can change in your way-to-day work in order to reduce your resources use and impact on the environment.

Library of resources for employees and organisations

  • Climate leadership for employees, by Planetgroups – 150+ ways to drive sustainability in your company, with organisations outlined by department and/or role

  • Creating and developing your environmental policy

  • Climate Champions programme by UN Climate with different campaigns mobilising the private sector to do more rapid and concrete actions (Race to Zero, Breakthrough)

  • Exponential Roadmap Initiative gathers organisations committing to halve their own emissions and the emissions in their value chain before 2030 towards net zero, integrating climate deeply in business strategy and influencing climate action in society, as outlined by the 4 pillar framework in the 1.5°C Business Playbook.

Campaigns, groups and movements by sectors

Do you have an idea, resource, or example to share?